Keep Calm

Saturday, 25 May 2013
Running a business is a funny thing. One minute, you can be swamped with work and the next you're so quiet and you can't see where the next penny is coming from.When you're desperate for new business, it's likely that you'll do tons and tons of marketing. You'll really get off your back side and get...

Relationship Is Not Just Holding Hands

Tuesday, 14 May 2013
Although it has become almost extinct, holding hands is a timeless display of affection. Holding someone's hands is an outward expression of love, protection and commitment. This once popular public display is rarely seen in today's society. Holding hands used to have a wide appeal, couples from puppy...

To Love Someone Deeply

Do you have what it takes to make your man love you deeply? Do you want to be irresistible to your boyfriend? Do you want him to feel that you are the special one? Do you want him to be committed to you and be with you forever? If you want your man to shower genuine unconditional love on you, you've...

I Just Wanna Love You

Thursday, 9 May 2013
You will have realized that as the guy in the relationship, you must do your very best to make her happy and satisfied. In order to do this, you must know what things to say to her that will make her happy. Indeed there are things that you can say tonight to her that will make her fall even deeper in...

The Love I Have For You In My Heart

I have been seeing more and more how His love and our Kingdom advancement are intertwined all the while experiencing the great Power of His Love. His breaks you...He makes you feel like putty in His hands...and like clay in the Potter's Hands He molds and shapes vessels of honor out of each of us...making...

When Someone You Love Hold Your Hand

The Beatles song "I Wanna Hold Your Hand" has always been a favorite of mine for the melody, I knew the words and I love holding hands with someone I care about. It always made me feel good. As I was cleaning out an old file cabinet I came across a file with this study on holding hands and found it...

Because of You

because of you I can laugh and smile, do not leave me occasionally. because of you I'm always smiling and happyBecause of you I have all the answer My heart belongs to you For as long as foreverBecause of you I have love and live again You are my rainbow In my heart you won it's againBecause of you...

Love The Last Person

You are the last person I want to talk to before I go to bed at night. And it's not because I'm lonely, and it's not because of New Year's Eve. I came here tonight because when you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as poss...

Love Affair

Tuesday, 7 May 2013
You thought you were the last person they would find if they went looking for an emotional person. You are now confused since you met this person who tapped your feelings and now you are all emotional. Which route should you take when it turns to be an emotional love affair? Everything you do turns...

Einstein Quotes

Albert Einstein is one of the most celebrated scientists of all time-and oftentimes he's viewed as eccentric. Nevertheless, despite his weirdness, there's one thing that we've not got from him: his mind. What better way to celebrate his genius than through different Einstein quotes.Einstein QuotesEinstein...

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